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Diet shifts of caribbean grunts - fare translations of caribbean noises

01-02-2017 à 11:02:03
Diet shifts of caribbean grunts
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 6(2): 125-137. Dyhia Belhabib from the Sea Around Us and Angela Bednarek from The Pew Charitable Trusts joined Mr. In March, the Indonesian government blew up the Viking and sank it, capturing sensational footage in this video. As a result of this study, the authors hope that in the future catch limits will be based on total seafood catches from all fishery sectors. Because for the past 50 years, member countries have been giving FAO misleading information regarding their fishery data. The debris may not have directly caused their stranding, as it is thought the whales were possibly chasing squid into shallow waters. e. The latest research report from the Sea Around Us investigates the use of fish for feeding livestock and farmed fish. Hopefully one day, regional fisheries bodies, scientists and the general public will be able to access official data separated by sector, and thus better contribute to the public resource debate. The fish and fisheries of Bouvet Island, pp. We hope that these tools, moreover, will be questioned by empowered users, and that their feedback will gradually improve both. FAO strives for reliable catch statistics and they help countries in their data collection and capacity building. Fishing has historically been the main industry in the Turks and Caicos Islands, although tourism is now taking the lead. She goes undercover for the FBI, he raises her bastard child as his own. The second day of the West Africa capacity-building workshop saw Dr. , Weyl, O. Fish of little or no perceived economic value have been routinely dumped at sea and not reported. One possible solution to prevent the abandonment of fishing gear is to mark it with electronic and acoustic tags, which would presumably make it easier to recover, and easier to hold those who discarded it more accountable. Zeller (eds. Letter urges canadian government to improve Fisheries Act. Yet, in a wide ranging article, several researchers — including Dr. In Canada, fishing vessels are completely exempted from carrying the system. Readers of the available material would also have noted that the countries that clearly manufacture fisheries statistics (e. Leaders Daniel Pauly, Dirk Zeller, and Deng Palomares traveled with associated faculty, staff, and students with the idea of updating everyone on everything: from finances to exciting new initiatives and potential new directions. Just a day after World Fisheries Day, Sea Around Us Principal Investigator, Dr. This highlights a weakness of the QMS, which relies on full and accurate reporting, yet, in practice, incentivises misreporting, which undermines the sustainability of fisheries. The news website Mongabay looked into the issue of regulation as well as the recent negotiations, and interviewed Daniel Pauly in the process. 2005. F. It is based on historic catch reconstructions by about 400 colleagues throughout the world, a decade-long support of the Sea Around Us by The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the technical wizardry of programmers at Seattle-based Vulcan Inc. 2015), freely available on the page for The Netherlands EEZ on our website, states that we do our data work within ICES statistical areas, and thus do not move catches between such areas. 2006). The researchers found the countries that rely highly on fish are the most vulnerable, including island countries like Tokelau, Cayman Islands and Tuvalu. In order to modernize the act, they want the government to first begin consultations with indigenous people, provincial governments, industry, and conservation groups, to find a consensus on the best path forward. Dyhia Belhabib and funded through the MAVA Foundation, researchers from West African countries collaborated on many fisheries issues important to the sub-region. In Sierra Leone, fishing is becoming less economically viable due to the scourge of illegal fishing. Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica are facing the same the problems and urgent action is required to avoid further overexploitation of marine life. D. Oceans have absorbed more than 93 percent of the heat generated by human activity since the 1970s, according to a report published this month by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. However, many within the scientific community are calling into question the empirical and moral grounds behind such an endeavor. But by accident he meets Kate, and for the next twenty five years of his life he continually meets Kate. Countries and industry need a framework to follow. But while being held in port, it was able to escape once again into international waters and then to West Africa. and Pauly, D. Several people, including FAO staff members and various country delegates, approached me after my presentation to congratulate me on a great talk and to state that they had not realized the importance of recreational fisheries and its strong ties to tourism. Harper, K. Space did not allow us to give country-by-country methodological details (for 273 EEZs) in a summary paper such as the one discussed here (Pauly and Zeller 2016). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(4):721-736. Preliminary reconstruction of total marine fisheries catches for the Netherlands in the North Sea (1950-2010). Tsikliras, and S. It was sponsored by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 11, and organized by the Davao del Norte State College. Researchers recommend insurance companies check lists of known illegal vessels before issuing insurance. Froese, and S. Using the reconstructed catch data from the Sea Around Us, and the economic datasets assembled by FERU, the information we have is well-organized and easy to access. Tweet More Email Share on Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading. and Zeller, D. We have plans to overcome this deficiency in the next few years. My presentation was well received at the side event. Meanwhile, many developed countries, such as Greenland and Iceland, could see revenue increases as fish move into cooler waters. New research suggests 30 percent of the ocean must be protected. We could fish everywhere, anytime we wanted. But this geographical wealth comes with a responsibility to serve as internationally respected stewards of this vast environment. While some countries are following these examples, progress is slow. Figure 2 shows the distribution of jacks (family Carangidae), which is a cosmopolitan family. D. 2015. The documentation of data, methods, and assumptions made for this update will be presented for each country and territory in early 2017, after a further update to 2014 has been completed. The coast is studded with idle processing plants built to turn them into fish meal, which is used as animal feed. The study, published in Scientific Reports, states that ending fishing on the high seas would not only have a positive effect on global catch, but would help biodiversity and equity. In the same Outdoor Canada article from 2014, Dr. Not only is this work useful to understand how we use fish to feed people (either directly or indirectly), it can also add value to other projects we are involved in. 303-308. View the catch of multiple countries at the same time. We also hope that, in the process, our website will become a relied upon one-stop go-to place for information on marine fisheries, and will thus contribute, via their improved management, to the incomes and food security of the millions of people who depend on fish. In future posts we will explore more strategies. (Credit: USFWS Pacific Region, via Flickr). It takes the form of a medal in gilded bronze bearing the embossed profile of Prince Albert Ist, a pioneer of modern oceanography and founder of the Institute. C. This occurred through the creation of very large marine reserves around uninhabited islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Deleveaux mentioned that The Bahamas was implementing a new, improved fisheries data collection system with assistance from the FAO. Then, on the final day, participants learned the importance of maintaining correct fisheries statistics and were introduced to the Sea Around Us database of marine catches. We are happy to announce a fully funded capacity-building workshop for fisheries scientists and fisheries experts from the West African sub-region (i. Good news, bad news: Global fisheries discards are declining, but so are total catches. In the United States, federal law mandates both escape vents and degradable panels that allow lobsters and other animals to escape ghost fishing traps. During the event, Dyhia had the impression that there were misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding the reconstruction methods that the Sea Around Us and the large number of our international collaborators use. However, in a recent study by the Sea Around Us, it was found that these data are often inadequate, and do not allow countries to know or fully understand the impacts of foreign industrial fleets in their waters. Furthermore, the ecosystem is made up of a wide spectrum of other species, many of which are not currently caught, but under BH, would have to be caught. Sea Around Us data highlighted in The Great Orchestra of Animals. , C. But Chinese fishers have been caught illegally fishing in other countries as well. While they do acknowledge management changes as another possible factor, the context is misleading and important management efforts are not represented. In 2012 she made the jump to senior research assistant and has since proven herself a highly organized, collaborative and thoroughly positive member of the team. However, in most areas, two major obstacles currently prevent AIS from being truly effective. Note that these distributions are based on the taxon distributions parameters as described in our methods. 0. However, often some catch data are deemed to be non-existent simply because a country has no formal data collection program in place for certain aspects of fisheries, e. The New Zealand researchers drew on an extensive body of documentation, including stock assessment reports, peer-reviewed literature, unpublished reports, and information obtained under the Official Information Act, as well as 308 confidential interviews with industry experts and personnel with first-hand knowledge and experience, of fishing and reporting practices. Balanced Harvesting (BH) is a recently proposed approach to fisheries management, and it is touted as a reliable way to preserve ecosystem structure while increasing fisheries catches. He wanted, of course, to put his engineering and machine-learning skills to good use, so he was looking for a place where data processing and knowledge creation were the focal points. In 2015, when the new fisheries minister Hunter Tootoo was appointed to cabinet, he received a mandate letter from Prime Minister Trudeau instructing him to reinstate the past legislation. The local government is required to report all catches to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), as all UN member countries are voluntarily bound to complete each year. 2 million metric tons per year since 1996. In the face of declining fish catches this question is much harder to answer. , Swasey, J. The plan might seem an impossible conservation dream, especially with a new US president who has rejected internationalist foreign policy and environmental protections, but it has been gaining momentum. First, and most important, this was the first time that a delegation from The Bahamas has had the opportunity to attend COFI. , Harper S. It is the only global inter-governmental forum where major international fisheries and aquaculture problems and issues are examined. This is the first time this type of research has been conducted on a global scale. Sumaila discussed several fundamental principles — like supply and demand, externalities, and incentives — and applied them to real world examples in West Africa. This paper will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal during or immediately after the workshop. We believe scientific discourse is normally best carried out in a more collegial setting, such as the sphere of scientific publications, but we are posting the following responses online to clear up any confusion these comments may have created. Rosenberg, A. We believe the evidence supports this statement (see also Froese et al. Dyhia Belhabib was in Senegal shortly after the ship was seized. Following that spike, numbers have been in sharp decline. e. for inferences on the status of their fisheries, and so have Costello et al. Deleveaux highlighted in his statement that although this new data collection system is promising, it still does not account for catches from the recreational fishery in The Bahamas, which a catch reconstruction study conducted in collaboration with the Sea Around Us showed to be substantial. Miller and her colleagues at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries investigated insurance information for 94 IUU fishing vessels and 837 legal vessels that were required, by international law, to have insurance because of their size. , Pauly, D. The database described here allow time contrasting, for the first, the performance of large-scale (industrial) and small-scale (artisanal and subsistence) fisheries on a global basis. However, the insurance industry has largely been left out of the discussion, even though they may have the ability to make a significant impact on the number of illegal vessels by refusing insurance. To better understand how the Mapping Tool works, take a look at this 5 minute YouTube tutorial. L. Daniel Pauly awarded the 2016 Albert Ier Grand Medal. Workshop allows teachers and scientists to learn new skills in the Philippines. Yet, we did not present the even steeper decline of the world catch that omitting this FAO area (and the similarly suspect FAO area 71, Western Central Pacific would have generated, although it would have been legitimate given the very high uncertainty associated with these suspect catches, and would have strengthened our case. This clear endorsement of the basic principle of our catch reconstruction work summarized in Pauly and Zeller (2016) is very encouraging, particularly as it was sent by someone we respect, and who was there when the format of the FAO fisheries statistics was determined. Sumaila also discussed how fishing subsidies — the bad ones, at least — can negatively affect fisheries management policies, and how this has been an issue for a long time. Industrial fishing began in the 1880s, when steam trawlers started to be deployed along the coasts of the British Isles. As fisheries used for feed are often less valuable than fisheries used for human consumption, accounting for the end use of the fishery landings allows us to make better estimates of the value of fisheries and to understand fishing behavior as it is driven by prices. While many communities are considering aquaculture, also known as fish farming, as a solution to ease the financial burden of fishing losses and improve food security under climate change, when researchers examined the growing industry, they found it may exacerbate the negative impact on revenues. A review previously done by FAO staff recommended that a line be included to indicate what the reported catch was, and for it to overlay the reconstructed catch graphs. And this time, we had a side event organized by FAO and co-sponsored by The Bahamas and The Gambia, in collaboration with the Sea Around Us. Efforts to combat illegal fishing often focus on monitoring and surveillance, through the use of satellite tracking and inspections. Rashid Sumaila gives a lecture to West African researchers as part of a Sea Around Us workshop funded through the MAVA Foundation. They found that recreational anglers landed about 8,000 metric tons a year over the past 60 years—approximately half of all fish caught in the country. Indeed, this is what has been and is happening throughout much of the industrialized world, and is one of the reasons why a huge fraction of the fish consumed, e. 2011. Philippe Michaud also raised the point that there is a need to conduct an economic valuation of recreational fisheries in small island states dependent on tourism. In the case of The Bahamas, Smith estimated catch by subsistence fishers using population data and a conservative assumption of per-capita consumption. Thus, one stock disappears after the other, and new stocks in previously unfished areas have to be found. A line of water carved between the continents of Africa and Asia, the Red Sea has long been a hub of human activity, providing a route of commerce and source of fish for civilizations across millennia. They found that if all countries could switched to what the authors claim are the best management practices, then global fish populations could double, and fishermen could make substantially more profit. This work required me to comb through national statistics, peer-reviewed literature, newspapers, press releases, and other sources to gather data on the use of different species for these different purposes. If and how well a fishery is managed often depends largely on the economics of that fishery, and central to understanding the economics of a fishery are the availability of data. In some areas, when this effect was strong, like in the North Sea, the recovery after a temporary reduction in fishing established the principle not only that stock abundance was inversely related to fishing intensity, but also that overfished stocks could recover, and some within a few years. The Bandit 6 consist of six basically Spanish-owned fishing vessels long wanted by Interpol for fish poaching and piracy. (Credit: Rafa Prada). Both The Gambia and The Bahamas will be following up by including data resulting from catch reconstructions as part of their next data submission to FAO, a huge step for the countries and for the Sea Around Us. The Great Orchestra of Animals, published by the Cartier Foundation. (Figure 1). Mauritania has a fleet of locally flagged Russian and Chinese large trawlers that haul in whole schools of small blue-water fish called sardinella. The following is a features essay written by Daniel Pauly in the most recent Save Our Seas Magazine. D. We are aware that EEZ boundaries (formally declared or not) do not generally play a substantial role in EU fisheries policy and management. Edison Deleveaux, deputy director of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources in The Bahamas, accompanied me as part of the delegation. The Sea Around Us team is pleased to announce that the marine fisheries catch data and derived indicators on its website have been updated from 2010 to include information from 2011, 2012, and 2013. Daniel Pauly, the Sea Around Us principal investigator, expands on the findings published in the book regarding reported vs. The next country she tackled was Morocco, which took over the Western Sahara in 1975 over the objections of its nomadic people and the international community. e. This research established that in 2010, 30 percent of the global fish catch went unreported globally, and that global catches have been declining strongly since the mid-1990s. 2016), Froese, Sidney Holt, and lead author Daniel Pauly argue that BH not only lacks a firm empirical foundation, but it contradicts a stated mission of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Dr. Tools and data for improving fisheries policy worldwide. In addition, we are aware of and have accounted for these and other dead to live weight conversions in our work. McCauley, in a recent Science Magazine article that outlines the issue of monitoring fishing boats in regions of the ocean that are difficult to observe. According to CBC News, members of the coalition met with federal officials to discuss the issue on April 11, 2016, in Ottawa. L. A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that if countries can better manage their fisheries then they could help reverse the current ongoing decline in fish stocks due to extensive and widespread overfishing. In addition, a recent and thorough seafood consumption study completed in 2013 involving locals and tourists enabled more accurate estimates of the previously unreported local consumption amounts. And for our previous blog post about this new tool, click here. Dr. 2015 for comments on North Sea fisheries). Moreover, when ocean protection was less than 10 percent, only three percent of the objectives were met. The ocean has degraded within our lifetimes, as shown in the decreasing average size of fish. The Kunlun was discovered in early February, 2016, abandoned and sinking in a Dakar port. The country, a group of 250 islands with 21,00 residents, has jurisdiction over 230,000 square miles of ocean. —but it is essential to know about catch as the goal of a fishery is to generate and maintain a catch, and if possible, to increase it. 2015a. A group of researchers will study whether enforcement is an effective measure to recover value lost by IUU fishing. , Persson L. As the lead author of the Sea Around Us study, co-authored by Dirk Zeller of UBC, Smith is looking at the bigger picture. New legislation is needed to reduce seafood catches so the stocks are being fished within safe limits, and this study adds new weight to the urgency of this issue. Approximately four percent of the ocean is currently protected. Only fish that are part of a commercial, recreational, or aboriginal fishery are currently protected, while many native species are not. This more accurate estimate may allow the government to better protect the local food supply. ), Marine Fisheries Catches of SubAntarctic Islands, 1950-2010. Kitts and Nevis, to coordinate country statements on the floor of COFI 32 about the impacts of climate change on fisheries in the Caribbean, which are already being felt. Watch this 5 minute video to better understand what the workshop was about, and who was involved. It was so rich with it throughout the story. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. They examine fishing trends along all sectors, from small-scale to commercial fishing, and complete a detailed catch reconstruction of the region from 1950-2010. The same method was used throughout the global series of studies. Search by commercial group or functional group, rather than just taxa. The Sea Around Us scientists present a series of recommendations on how nations can rethink the way they approach ocean management, in order to rebuild their fish stocks. Webinar May 17: The View Past Peak Catches: Global Catch Trends in Marine Fisheries. Omar Gueye. It has a different cover design but is the same inside. Dyhia Belhabib and is funded through the generous support of the MAVA Foundation. The data underlying the interactive graphic displays can be downloaded for further analysis. Thus, it is not viable for the international fisheries statistical community to continue to disregard, ignore or downplay this growing body of global work. g. For example, below is the interactive graph for Bigeye tuna. org, and the EBM Tools Network. On March 16th the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration held a webinar for scientists around the U. L. The side event at COFI 32 on fishery statistics was a huge success. , younger) individuals of larger species could potentially deplete food consumed by higher trophic predators. Such data are not only important on a global scale, but are especially important in developing countries, where local fisheries are crucial for food security. Pruvost, P. Catches everywhere have been bountiful up until now, the Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries states. Sea Around Us discusses future during annual retreat. A difference of close to 650,000 metric tonnes. D. As population pressure increased demand for cheap fish, the number of artisanal fishermen soared, and many went to work up the coast in Mauritania, where few people fish. , Winker, H. Demirel, A. Oceana Canada to host science symposium in October 2016. And this conclusion is echoed by Pauly and Wilson. 2015), in collaboration with the Sea Around Us, researchers investigated the merits of this theory. 21-30 In: M. e. 274 p. e. It has also gathered attention from the press in Canada, the US, Spain, and Venezuela. Such places are marine protected areas or, more precisely, no-take marine reserves. The second change was made to the color scheme. Scientists working on developing countries often use the catch data that countries officially report to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U. Fishers in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Dyhia Belhabib, who organized and is coordinating the two-week workshop, said that four topics have been decided upon. , Rossing P. There, they illegally drop baited hooks into underwater canyons out of the reach of bottom trawlers where large, high-value fish can still be taken. This new color scheme provides greater clarity as to which areas of the ocean are heavily fished, compared to those where minimal fishing occurs. Fishing down the food web of the Antarctic continental shelf and slope. Wilson is not alone with his large goal. Thus, long term catch declines are indicators of current or past overfishing (depending on the management regime), but not of healthy stocks (although continuing low catches they may indicate a stock rebuilding scenario being implemented by management). A Look Back: Recreational fishing accounts for half of all fish caught in The Bahamas. To learn more and register for the symposium, click here. They started in the Dutch North Sea, recovering nets from the ocean floor, and some from ship wreckages. He believes Oceana can play a central role in helping Canada maintain sustainable fisheries. Belhabib had studied fisheries science in her native Algeria, so she was initially asked to oversee the Algeria component. But a conflict in 1989 with Mauritania resulted in the expulsion of thousands of Senegalese fishermen, even as the industrial fleets were increasing their catch off both countries, most of it stolen. Yet what management or even quota system is used matters greatly. If you click on our mapping tool, there is now a tab that allows users to search for these taxon distributions — and see in what regions they are likely to occur. Through a rigorous procedure involving multiple case studies, she estimated that globally, about 4 % of crab and lobster catches are wasted, as they are due to lost and derelict traps. These considerable local consumption catch amounts must be factored into the equation when calculating the total allowable catch limits, especially for the key species of conch and lobster to determine if it is even possible to continue the export business. Photo by Chris Allen for Geograph, licensed under CC. I also enjoy proofreading work and editing text for publication. These are significant points that the critics overlooked. The findings also reveal how the QMS, despite its intentions and international reputation, actually undermines sustainable fisheries management by inadvertently incentivising misreporting and dumping, the researchers wrote in their report. In the US, which once faced large fisheries collapses, there has been a 70 percent drop in the number of overfished species since 2000, but this is widely attributed to the legal framework, which mandates rebuilding of overfished stocks. The minister expressed substantial concern about the amount of illegal and unreported fishing the report described. L. In fact, a group of scientists, among them the Sea Around Us Senior Scientist Dirk Zeller, has predicted that 11% of the global population could face micronutrient and fatty-acid deficiencies driven by fish declines over the coming decades. (2016) for a clear description as to where fisheries management should be heading. S-AIS systems use satellite tracking systems to monitor a range of information about a vessels location, identity, and course. This article was originally posted in OpenChannels, and can be found here. Thus, FAO kindly organized a combined side event, and Dyhia Belhabib was able to meet several FAO statistical staff, including Marc Taconet, Lucas Garibaldi and the new Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division (FIA), Manuel Barange. 2011. With BH, the relative size and species composition of an ecosystem is supposed to be maintained. Visitors enter into immersive soundscapes that make audible a world often silent in our cities and towns —from the purring of jaguars at night, to the sonorous songs of humpback whales. e. O. These measures would tighten regulation and increase transparency. While in 2015 the EU mandated that all fishing boats greater than 15 fifteen meters must have AIS. They were able to see how research on the growth, survival, and spawning of these four clam species resulted in conservation efforts. p. The study estimated the local value of the catch since 1950 at 100 billion dollars, but since it was almost entirely sold in Europe at twice the price, the real value of the catch was 200 billion dollars. These are, broadly, climate change, marine protected areas, illegal fishing, and governance. Froese, R. For a better estimate of the amount of seafood caught around the islands, and hence total reconstructed catches for the island nation, the authors assessed all catches between 1950 and 2012. We would argue that careful reading of a paper and its supplementary materials should precede any scientific critique. China has called for an investigation of the incident. Tourist fishing is big business in The Bahamas, but exactly how big was not known until now. In countries such as Australia, Chile, Iceland, New Zealand and the US, variations of quota management systems have been in place for years, with a variable range of successes. , Gasco, N. She ended up leading the research in 24 countries. Local authorities told Belhabib that while the vessel might not have caught significant volumes, the final end of the Kunlun is a symbolic victory for addressing illegal fishing in West African waters. Hence catches, ideally, should fluctuate around some mean, without upward or downward trend (assuming climate change does not affect recruitment, growth and survival). Yet as we grow older, it seems we quickly forget these lessons. 2015. The ship was believed to have been fishing illegally, and Bergman was communicating data in real time to the authorities as they chased the boat across the ocean. It also saves a lot of money for fishers and local governments. Froese, R. The Sea Around Us has been featured in the IRIN news network, with an extensive story outlining how overfishing and climate change are warping our marine ecosystems. 5 times higher than the catch officially submitted to FAO by the countries bordering the Red Sea. This allows us to understand these impacts in a better way, and to propose solutions of how we can fish sustainably while maximizing economic and nutritional benefits to human society. To manage the fisheries in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), countries need to know their catch. , which complemented a two-year grant from the Paul G. J. Any suggestion that the decline of cod catches (cod catches never dropped to zero) was unrelated to the decline in the underlying biomass is incorrect. Josephus Mamie is from Sierra Leone and works for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, where he is responsible for supervising statistics data collection and analysis, and implementation of fisheries policies. The workshop aimed to train the participants to better understand fish biology and fisheries management, using tools like FishBase, SeaLifeBase, and the Sea Around Us. In other words and as the infographic above shows, coastal First Nations consume 74 kg of seafood per capita, whereas the global average is 19 kg. , that we supposedly selected, when analyzing the time series of total reconstructed catch, the years that yielded the strongest decline. Yet the recent letter by the concerned coalition of scientists, lawyers and environmentalists to Minister Tootoo urged the government to not only restore lost protections, but to further modernize the Fisheries Act, bringing it into the 21st century. Local seafood consumption surveys should continue to be completed once each 3-5 years to track changing patterns, especially with the ongoing growth of tourism. On the second day participants took to the ocean, boating to Samal Island, where they visited a marine protected area (MPA) that protects four endangered species of giant clams. For example, in The Gambia we merely multiply data on fishing effort by a typical catch assessed for that kind of effort. Many environmental contaminants biomagnify in marine food webs, reaching high concentrations in top predators, which means that they are posing health risks to humans and wildlife. But an organization called the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is trying to end the practice, among other forms of illegal fishing. From satellite monitoring, to increased vessel identification, to better enforcement, IUU fishing can be faced head-on. Link to accompanying graphs, which show changes of catch per country through time (1950-2010). Palomares, M. A black line that indicates reported catch is now visible in the graphs. Tweet More Email Share on Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading. J. The workshop is a unique opportunity for researchers from multiple West African countries to share data and experience. Martin Pastoors is Chief Science Officer, Pelagic Freezer-Trawler Association (PFA) in the Netherlands, and he comments on Dutch fishery operations. Governments tend to favor industrial fisheries, although it is the small-scale fisheries with meets most of the sustainability criteria. This also led to a conversation about separating catch data by major fisheries sectors, namely small-scale and large-scale, which the Sea Around Us has applied to all countries in the world, in part in support of the FAO Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty, which was adopted at the last COFI meeting. The under-reporting of fisheries catches is common in other regions and neighbouring island nations. , Walters, C. These unallocated catches were first split into unallocated catches by county (proportional to the size of the reported catch) and then extrapolated for the years where unallocated catches were not available (basically 1950-1990). They also omit or substantially underreport fish taken by recreational and customary fishers. A video tutorial on the maps is available here. Photo by Filip Milovac. Negotiations to regulate fisheries on the high seas. He is at the workshop to broaden his knowledge and connect with different researchers confronting a spectrum of issues. In 2009, the FAO brokered a treaty between 91 member countries that would help ports restrict incoming boats engaged in illegal fishing. To help with this issue, other members in the workshop are helping to find relevant data, he adds. Winker, O. 2 million metric tons every year since 1996 and FAO knew very little about this. The steam trawlers then had to expand their range into the open North and Irish seas and subsequently beyond, all the way into North Atlantic and Icelandic waters. It was a good opportunity for Dyhia to explain what catch reconstructions are, and why they are helpful to countries for improving their national data on fisheries catches. The extended reconstructed estimate for 1950-2013 reveals an estimated 24. Fisheries of the Falkland Islands and the British Antarctic Islands, p. Pauly. While in Senegal, Belhabib also had a meeting with the Minister of Fisheries, Mr. A. To make access to data simple and efficient for fisheries managers, policy makers, and research, the Sea Around Us has developed several free, publicly-available research tools. N. In The Bahamas, no one is keeping regular count of all the fish that tourists catch at sea or eat in restaurants. Pauly. After a necropsy was completed, researchers discovered that the stomachs of four of the whales contained large amounts of plastic waste. Global marine fisheries catches have been declining, on average, by 1. While these are often passed over in favour of high demand species like tuna and salmon, they have a high concentration of good quality protein and micro-nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Yet in much of Asia and Africa there is an utter dearth of any such assessments, and often even a lack of most basic information on actual catches, including on foreign catches (legal and illegal) taken in the EEZs of countries. The morning after accepting the 2017 Ocean Award in the Science category, the Sea Around Us leading team, Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller, met with the British press at the Science Media Centre. Maria Ho has been with the Sea Around Us since October of 2014 and has, since then, been the right hand of Dr. The islands operate small-scale fisheries for queen conch, Caribbean spiny lobster, and finfish as the three main target taxa groups. There were many other positive comments, and we thank their authors. 2012. That marine protected areas are effective in protecting marine life is amply demonstrated in the scientific literature: within them, biomass and biodiversity are higher and individual fishes are larger, thus producing more eggs and larvae that can enrich surrounding areas. In just a few months since it was released to the market by Island Press, the Atlas has become an indispensable resource for researchers, students, fishery managers, professionals in the fishing industry, environmentalists, and so on. 223 p. Dyhia also participated at a COFI side event where catch reconstructions were discussed between the FAO, the Sea Around Us, country representatives, staff from The Pew Charitable Trusts and Vulcan Inc. Since the water is so shallow and well protected, it tends to be warmer than the surrounding sea. We regularly receive queries from interested colleagues who have specific questions about one or more specific studies, which we are more than happy to answer in detail. The Albert Ier Grand Medal is the most prestigious prize given by the Oceanographic Institute to great names of the marine world. C. Tweet More Email Share on Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading. 2015ba. When she was considering joining the Sea Around Us, she knew that the change was going to be drastic, but there was something stronger pushing her to make the move. and Pauly, D. And Chinese fishers have also been detained in Russia, North and South Korea and Sri Lanka. The fish from international waters would be caught only when they venture into the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of maritime countries. European fisheries are managed more effectively and provide more complete data than Indian Ocean fisheries, for example. Their research will focus on data and knowledge gaps that require addressing and will produce scientific papers authored or co-authored by the candidates. A recording artist with a passion for fish. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), IUU fishing accounts for 15 percent of global annual catch with 26 million tonnes lost a year. Image: Tuna for sale at Auki market, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. They identified the insurers of 48 per cent of the illegal vessels and 58 per cent of the legal vessels and often the same companies provided insurance to both illegal and legal fishing vessels. Why this should be an argument against our paper eludes us. Josephus Mamie is from Sierra Leone and works for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, where he is responsible for supervising statistics data collection and analysis, and implementation of fisheries policies. Furthermore, this summer researchers from Senegal and other West African countries will be spending time in Vancouver, working with Sea Around Us scientists to collaborate on further studies. g. , Duhamel, G. The same expansion, but shifted a decade or so later, occurred with the nascent industrial fisheries of France, Germany, Russia, the United States and Japan. He hopes that countries in the sub-region can come together, share data, and create standardized rules to measure the effects of illegal fishing, and enforce rules prohibiting it. e. Daniel Pauly on the importance of the Albert Ier Grand Medal. The event was organized by the FAO and co-sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the governments of The Gambia and The Bahamas. That does not mean we or FAO should not undertake such an exercise, but rather that we should do so with the appropriate caveats, which we have. As part of our engagement, Dyhia also held direct discussions with FAO staff to hopefully help dispel the lingering misconceptions about the methods used to derive the reconstructed catch data. The greatest success of the side event, from my perspective, was when the FAO acknowledged the validity of reconstructed catch data for The Bahamas. (Editors). Scientific evidence has been telling us for years that our oceans are in peril. New Zealand fishery catch estimated at 2. 1996. Sumaila believes researchers in West African countries need better data and better arguments to pressure their governments to implement more effective policies. Today, Namibia has the best-managed fishery in Africa after effectively banning foreign-flagged fleets. 2014. Daniel Pauly was conferred the 2016 Albert Ier Grand Medal in the Science category. In partnership with FERU, work is ongoing to build and incorporate other economic datasets into the global database of the Sea Around Us. McCauley, along with eight other authors, proposes measures that need to be taken to prevent illegal fishing and enhance regulation in these areas. , in the EU, comes from Africa. However, since 2011 the government of Tanzania — in coordination with Smartfish — conducted multiple interventions along the coastline, making numerous arrests and confiscating hundreds of kilograms of explosives. This new data will be incorporated into the newest version of our price estimation to better evaluate the value of fisheries globally. Charles Clover, Daniel Pauly, Dirk Zeller, and Sacha Bonsor. Mamie believes Sierra Leone needs to take concrete steps to confront the issue. Pauly hopes the meeting will provide meaningful results. A new study looks at reforms to improve global fisheries managment. The Sea Around Us interactive graphs now have a new feature. The technical report that underpins the Dutch catch reconstruction (Gibson et al. Within the story, Executive Director and Senior Scientist Dr. This incompleteness is incidentally the very point made by Sidney Holt. 2016. , R. With our fisheries economics tool, researchers can examine the amount of money that countries spend on fisheries subsidies, broken down into categories like fisheries services, research and development, tax exemptions and fuel subsidies, among many others. An exciting symposium will take place this fall looking at the health of Canadian fisheries. Under-reporting of Fisheries Catches Threatens Caribbean Marine Life. But the decline in volumes reveals that fish stocks are in danger. Experts agree that better fisheries management systems are urgently needed. Marine fisheries catches of SubAntarctic Islands, 1950-2010, Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23(1), 45 p. As the Sea Around Us team revealed in its 2016 Nature Communications paper, global fish catches have been declining, on average, by 1. unreported global catch and the challenge of dealing with unreliable statistics from certain countries, among other topics. When Belhabib started with Algeria, she was puzzled to see that the government reported to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) that between 2001 and 2006, it had fished 2,000 tons of bluefin tuna on average, and yet reported to the FAO that it had caught almost none.

Unfortunately, the number of countries with well managed fisheries is still the exception, and large amounts of investment and political will are needed in order to implement better management practices. S. For this study, the researchers conducted a survey to estimate per-visitor fish consumption, then calculated total catch using hotel room occupancy data. Lead researcher Aylin Ulman recently based at the Sea Around Us (Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries) in Vancouver, and her team call for urgent action from policy-makers to ensure the future sustainability of the fishing industry in this archipelago nation. Dyhia Belhabib gives a presentation at the West Africa capacity-building workshop at UBC. In response to the growing problem, the FAO has organized an Expert Consultation on the Marking of Fishing Gear from April 4-7, in Rome, to draft guidelines and search for solutions. Prior to its seizure, the Kunlun had been detained in 2015 in Phuket, Thailand, after eluding authorities in both New Zealand and Australia. As for how catch curves are supposed to look: ideally, a fishery should be managed such that the quotas reflect environmental fluctuations, with lower quotas when the state of the environment can be expected to lead to reduced recruitment and vice-versa. He takes his vows and becomes a priest while she takes a different set of vows and becomes a hooker. In a large number of countries, reliable catch data are not available, and the catch data these countries submit to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are incomplete and highly variable. The print version will be available in January. , 2006. This can be used to better gauge the difference between reported and reconstructed catch. The Sea Around Us submitted a proposal for a COFI side event co-sponsored by the governments of The Bahamas and The Gambia. The authors also recommend that insurers mandate that all vessels over a certain size be assigned an International Maritime Organization ship identification number, and operate satellite automatic identification vessel tracking technology. So how could illegal vessels be prevented from obtaining insurance. At the Our Ocean conference, hosted by the US Department of State in Washington DC in September, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke warmly about the notion of placing the high seas off limits. and Bowman, M. Unfortunately, Karl-Michael Werner then repeated a demonstrably erroneous statement also made by others i. H. Pauly (eds. The reconstructed data also includes estimates of recreational catches and illegal poaching. Out of desperation, hundreds of Senegalese fishermen and dozens of canoes over the past decade have been boarding Korean and Portuguese converted trawlers that drop them off near the coasts of other countries. ) Fisheries catch reconstruction: Islands, Part II. The graphs also show how the reconstructed catch differs from official reporting. 3 million t reported. L. At the end of the workshop, each participant or group of participants will be expected to produce a draft of a paper whose topic will be conceptualized within the above stated fields. ) Marine Fisheries Catches of SubAntarctic Islands, 1950-2010. , recreational fisheries or subsistence takes. A brief history of fishing in the Kerguelen Island, France p. The initiative has reconstructed catch data for over 250 Exclusive Economic Zones with the goal of providing some of the most comprehensive global fisheries data needed to improve policy. with presenters Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller from the Sea Around Us. Using Sea Around Us data, the Cartier Foundation also created visual renderings of global fish catch through time from 1950 to 2010, using maps with coloured gradients. After the consultation, the draft guidelines will then be reviewed by the FAO Committee on Fisheries for further consideration. The training-plan for the workshop will focus on the priority issue of each country, using detailed catch reconstruction data, Marine Protected Area coverage, climate change indexes, and other parameters researched by participants. On the third day of the West Africa capacity-building workshop researchers narrowed down subject areas to analyze — areas, they agree, that are affecting all countries in the West Africa sub-region, and therefore, need to be confronted through nation-to-nation collaboration. For experts researching global fisheries, the IUCN report, compiled by 80 scientists in a dozen countries, landed with a dull thud on top of a growing pile of their own studies that show overfishing is already decimating stocks worldwide. She has a month before her masters program starts in September. The data illustrated from this report clearly demonstrate that the conch export quota is unsustainable and should be drastically reduced to protect local conch stocks from overexploitation. , labeled) as such, by fishing country and species in the data sets that can be accessed by the general public. And ultimately, any guidelines and regulations will need to be rigorously enforced and monitored, something that is known to pose substantial challenges in most fisheries. He hopes that after the two week workshop, many of the researchers present will have better tools to move that conversation forward. Not including these catches in our reconstructions would have defeated the entire purpose of our project. In this study, the authors examined the financial impact of these projected losses for all fishing countries in 2050, compared to 2000. In Kiribati, where another MPA the size of California exists, 97 percent of vessels that fished prior to the creation of the reserve used AIS once the reserve was initiated, displaying the effectiveness of the system, and how it could be successfully adapted to other regions. Thousands of squid beaks were also found in their stomachs. Catch data are important in fisheries research, but the availability of reliable and comprehensive catch data is often taken for granted. A different group of researchers will look at each of the topics. Feeding frenzy: whitetip reef shark feeding in the Maldives. The journalist, Ian Urbina, also tells the story of a fishing patrol gone wrong, where an illegal Chinese fishing boat was being pursued and eventually caught, but not before shots were fired and a fisher died. After two weeks of work and lectures the West Africa capacity-building workshop is coming to a close. Gibson, D. FAO. g. Lessons for stock assessment from the northern cod collapse. Political gridlock and a massive lack of financial and technical resources generally hamstring most countries — especially in the developing world — from implementing progressive fisheries management strategies. Just recently, Argentinian authorities fired shots at a Chinese vessel fishing in their waters. Throughout the three day workshop participants learned to use different tools to help inform fisheries management. Some people are finding solutions through other means. Sometimes they use large cranes to salvage especially large chunks of netting. On November 17th, the Nereus Program hosted a talk with a VIP guest speaker: Dr. Sea Around Us Workshop at the University of British Columbia. But she took to the challenge like a fish in water and thrived in the new position. , we consistently applied a conservative approach). In March 2016 the IOC received the top global prize for their SmartFish program, which is an effort to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Indian Ocean. , Booth S. Impacts of climate change on contaminants in fisheries. g. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University. This agreement has now been ratified by around 20 countries (including the USA), and will enter into force once 25 countries have ratified or approved the agreement. The mapping tool allows users to view where in the world countries fish, and how their fishing has changed geographically through time. And finally, another group will study the need for better data in facilitating effective governance. Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller win Ocean Award. These points and our clarifications also suggest that careful reading of all material associated with a scientific paper should be the norm before considering a critique. She estimated how much fish the tourists were landing by combining catch limits with data from government tourism surveys. Ms. , and other interested parties. We agree that CCAMLR does a good job, as made evident in Figure 3 of our paper (Pauly and Zeller 2016), where the difference between official and reconstructed Antarctic catches is relatively small. Some of her estimates were as high as 20%. The characters come to life and the plot is realistic. Several high profile cases of illegal fishing have recently made it into the media, increasing awareness about the problem. It is hoped that these interactions and collaborations will be leveraged into future opportunities for data exchange and collaborative research work. To hear some of the sounds found at the exhibition, visit. Both studies come before a UN Preparatory Committee on March 28, which will look at how international waters can be best protected. The results showed that the actual catches were an alarming 2. Holt (2015) A critique of the balanced harvesting approach to fishing. In 2010 the United Nations set a goal to preserve 10 percent of the ocean by 2020. The Sea Around Us team recently launched the Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries, the first book to provide accurate, country-by-country fishery data. The Baltic Sea: estimates of total fisheries removals 1950-2007. The dilemma is how to separate loathing for him from love of country. Ainley, D. As a kid living on the streets of Detroit Jake learned early in life never to trust anyone. The day after they received the Ocean Award in the Science category, the Sea Around Us leaders, Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller, were bombarded with questions regarding their findings on declining fish stocks and their catch reconstruction research method. 8 times higher than that reported to the FAO, and 86% higher after her team had adjusted the reported data using expert analysis, and this has very troubling implications. In less than two minutes, learn why fish catches are declining. Our taxon distribution maps are presented to allow users of our catch data to examine one of the key ingredients of our global catch data allocation. A video tutorial on the tool is available here. The imperative for increased monitoring of fishing vessels. Walters, D. 2015a. The researchers used climate models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to examine the economic impact of climate change on fish stocks and fisheries revenues under two emission scenarios. Because much of the new catch would consist of these small fish, a large proportion of them would be used as fishmeal for the aquaculture industry. F. They now have projects in other countries, like Belgium, Croatia, Malta and the United States. These species cannot withstand any fishery that is anything but extremely well managed (which is rare), and they will thus thrive only in the few places where they are left alone. g. The researchers propose the increased use of automatic ship identification systems (AIS). This decline has resulted in lower per capita seafood availability and threatens food security in poor, developing countries. Sunderland summarized part of the work that her research group is undertaking on the biogeochemistry of global contaminants. The constructive example that these reserves provided has even jump-started a debate about the feasibility of protecting the High Seas, or at least some parts of the oceans currently beyond national jurisdiction, which we must do if they are not to be transformed to a seascape with more plastic than fish. Pauly, D. Their paths cross as she helps him, then as he helps her, over and over again. Moreover, increasing fishing pressure on smaller species and smaller (i. The most recent meeting of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ended July 15 in Rome, and Dr. Yes it is a mystery but I just loved all of the history. Dr. Nicola Smith visits Rome for the Committee on Fisheries and represents the Bahamas. The government of Indonesia is awaiting a Supreme Court decision that would allow them to destroy ten Chinese vessels caught poaching in Indonesian waters in 2014. Finally, examinations of illegal fishing determined that Spain, whose seafood consumption is double the European average, steals more fish than any other nation, followed by China and Japan. Dyhia Belhabib gives a presentation at the West Africa capacity-building workshop. For all those who prefer to feel the weight of a book in their hands instead of trying to read digitally, Amazon has just released JAKE in paperback. Dutch beam trawling is particularly damaging in this respect, and has wrecked the bottom communities of trawled areas, including the southern North Sea (e. We are hopeful that we will be able to collaborate with and assist FAO in the future. The Sea Around Us has reconstructed catch data for some 273 Exclusive Economic Zones, with the idea of helping countries better manage their fisheries. 15-20 In: S. This led to a conversation with the FAO team on fishing effort, and we will follow up on this. The breeding grounds of many types of fish are not currently protected under the Fisheries Act (Credit: Bureau of Land Management Oregon, via Flickr). Their sources included historical documents, published and unpublished reports, grey literature, databases, field surveys, interviews, and information on processed seafood products. You will finish the read before you finish your cigar. While progress is being made, many hurdles still exist. Deleveaux and I were able to speak with Milton Haughton, executive director of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism Secretariat, and Mark Williams, director of the Marine Resources Department in St. Tweet More Email Share on Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading. To prevent these losses, she writes that escape gaps can be built into the nettings of traps, allowing non-targeted animals to find their way out in the event a trap is abandoned. E. A short history of the fisheries of Crozet Islands, p. A recent study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Marine Science reveals that marine fisheries catches have been drastically under-reported in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean, threatening the marine environment and livelihoods of the local community. Good reviews are the life-blood of any Author and I would like to thank those readers who have enjoyed and reviewed my books. Thus, the year 1996 was never an input that we could choose, but rather an output of the analytical method used (see also Table S2 in the Supplementary Material of Pauly and Zeller 2016). Some other criticism that made the assumption that all the reconstruction work was done from Canada (where the Sea Around Us is headquartered) also points to a clear lack of proper prior research from those who raised this point. Some of the most notorious illegal fishing vessels were found to have insurance coverage including the Bandit 6, a fleet of six fishing vessels wanted for illegally taking Patagonian tooth fish from southern waters. In this report, we document the country by country analysis of which fish are used for feed, and in what forms. New research from the University of British Columbia finds that rogue fishing vessels are able to secure insurance including those that have been flagged by international watchdogs for unlawful activity. Attending COFI 32 was significant for The Bahamas for three main reasons. , the catch data it contains have been plotted in space using knowledge of the global distribution of exploited fish and invertebrates (from FishBase and SeaLifeBase) and of the fisheries that rely on them. This new system accounts for catches from the subsistence fishery for the first time and improves upon reporting of catches from the small-scale artisanal fishery. This was just one example of what can be done with our database and website. As a consequence, essentially all fish resources in the world are being fished. To be able to trade with signatory nations of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, it must be demonstrated that the international trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten the stocks local survival. This would be a drastic change from current practices where fisheries try to protect smaller and younger fish in order to maintain reproduction rates. , Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Cape-Verde, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone), funded by the MAVA Foundation. They also want greater attention paid to aboriginal fisheries. But why would 30 percent coverage be more effective than 10 percent. Based in Mauritius and with over 30 years of experience with coastal environmental issues, the IOC developed the project to register and license fishing boats. Fishermen in this sector sell much of their catch directly to restaurants rather than to processing plants, which are monitored by the government. The New Zealand results have now been published by the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia. Indigenous people eat 15 times more seafood than non-Indigenous people. The setting was ideal: The ocean on one side, the forest on the other. Further, while the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) publishes processed and product fish prices, they do not present ex-vessel price, i. Pauly (eds. According to FAO, Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing accounts for 15 percent of annual global catch. However, these limits have been unsustainable, leading to the overexploitation of marine life. I am leaving it to time to work that out. This limitation largely excludes categories such as artisanal, recreational, subsistence, and illegal fishing, as well as discards—fish that are caught and thrown away—and masks the true extent of fishing worldwide. The COFI organizing committee combined this proposal with a data event proposed by FAO. Deleveaux and I in Rome for COFI 32 and coordinated our stay while there. Even when policymakers think they are choosing the greenest options when it comes to energy generation, they might be doing quite the opposite. Pauly, H. Under the current legislation, a stream that contains fish that are not related to a commercial fishery are not protected. , the price at first point of sale a fisher realizes upon sale of their catch. The diversity of the panel participants, including from The Gambia and The Bahamas (apparently their first ever participation at COFI) talking about catch reconstructions was very informative by itself. The Sea Around Us updated its mapping tool with two new features to allow for easier use. , Zylich, K. Palomares, M. Major award given for innovation in combating illegal fishing. The Gambia is currently re-assessing its artisanal fisheries using the catch reconstruction method to submit to the FAO these new data, corrected backwards in time. e. This remaining catch (which is much higher than the amounts that were subtracted) declines rapidly in the last two decades as well. Ideally, countries (i. J. The authors confirm several previous studies, including from the Sea Around Us and colleagues, that have argued for many years that overfishing is widespread around the world. Zylich, L. Dr. However, discards are not readily and transparently identifiable (i. Jeff Hutchings, a fisheries scientist from Dalhousie University, critiqued the legislation in Outdoor Magazine in 2014, only months after the legislation passed. FAO relies heavily on statistics provided by countries. 95-101 In: S. , Walters and Maguire 1996). The Biodiversity tool pulls much of its information from the FishBase database. Zeller D. In this webinar, we will present our scientific approach, results from several countries illustrating the issues and problems, and the global results as presented in our recent paper. This latter point about unreported catches from the recreational fishery is important, and was the focus of my presentation during the COFI 32 side event the following day on 12th July 2016. 2015. This was the second time that Sea Around Us participated at COFI. Below he describes the effects of industrial fishing on the oceans over the last 130 years — and how marine protected areas are needed to help conserve and restore what has been lost. Many of the existing price databases today are either incomplete or unavailable to the public. Grade-schoolers are taught to pick up Styrofoam from beaches, to tear up plastic can-holders, and to recycle garbage rather than toss it in the ocean—all so that sea creatures do not become entangled and marine ecosystems remain free of debris. With over two dozen scientists in attendance, P