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Books on pancreatitis treatment and diet - publications on inflammation care and fare

01-02-2017 à 16:01:54
Books on pancreatitis treatment and diet
Health Guy, got my blood test results back today 9 days after discharge with a Lipase level of 240. In fact, I may have already been dead by now. I am 27 and this is just killing me physically and emotionally. Liver, gall bladder, stomach, kidneys, liver and pancreatic ducts checked out clear. Preferably a pancreas specialist, at least a gastroenterologist. It was not explained to me by the doc at all. That would be my course of action, the one I would take. Of course this is predicated on the assumption you are giving up alcohol. One study done on rats showed it protected the pancreas and prevented acute pancreatitis even when induced. All of my doctors strongly recommended I stop that as well. Someone just has to discover the truth (cause). When I made July 15th appointment it was May. And has anyone told you why you have chronic pancreatitis. Autoimmune pancreatitis often presents in early stages as chronic in which case enzymes may or may not elevate. I want to thank you for all your helpful information. I took 4 liq Advils and I will take 4 more before sleep just to give me a break. This formula may not be the best but it is very close. Ibuprofen helps big time in large doses (800 mgs) for an acute attack. In fact here is a list of the types of fats. But I have been drinking 3cups of coffee and 5 cups of tea everyday with sugar. I started to feel better and ate pizza but my intestinal tract felt queezy just not right. I use the Vcaps and I make sure I ingest plenty of black pepper during the day (in food) to help the absorption of the curcumin. If you have been told you have some pancreas damage or you end up having more problems (symptoms of pancreatitis, inflammation) you may want to learn how to heal your pancreas. In the mean time I am feeling pretty bad. and the doctor prescribed her to go with Creon 40000 capsules and to follow a strict diet. I am 52 years old and just had my first bout of it and apparently caught it before it went full-blown to acute pancreatitis. I also felt a nerve dis-connect and felt like a loose wire moving around like a snake. It is mind blowing that it took that many years for you to be diagnosed with celiac. EVERYTHING must be cooked without using fats, oils (butter, margarine, cooking oil, olive oil). Yes I had follow up blood work couple times after leaving hospital on May and they all came out to be same outcome with high enzyme levels. Keep this in mind: If she is still having acute pancreatitis symptoms, her lipase and amylase are still elevated, that means her pancreas is still sustaining damage. Grape seed 800 mgs per day broken into 4 doses. Thank you so much, the grape seed and curcumin are making me feel almost like a normal human again. I am of course going to follow your suggested diet and eat as little as possible to afford my pancreas the opportunity to heal as fast as possible. I still have 2-3 days with pain I believe from my hospital visit previously even with the hardcore pain meds. If it is early on, I would assume that my durastic life change would have helped because I have read stories of people on your blog that have actual visible damage on tests and just by starting to eat low fat it has helped them or even relieved all of their pain. So I started to look up things about his condition and it led me here. I too have not had an acute attack of pancreatitis, but have yet to get a proper diagnosis. The surgery probably has some bearing on your case. And the vitamin C was about 5,000 milligrams per day. I am feeling better, the pain has reduced, but I still feel pressure in the back. That may be why early signs of pancreatitis are often missed. The soy sauce and other oriental sauces made with soy sauce may not be a good idea because they contain fermented wheat which makes alcohol. I have done this for YEARS and quite frankly believe that doing so, coupled with my diet, keeps me from having pancreas issues. I pay attention to what I eat and nothing seems to provoke it. Its been more than 2 years now she is still under the same prescription and when she had her latest medical tests,, her cholesterol levels are normal. Tried looking for information online if I can take protein powders or not but no luck. Most people who have narcolepsy have low levels of hypocretin. to an hour a day. I already started taking supplements you suggested, turmeric, grape seed extract, vitamin C. Doctor suggested meprate for 5 days no periods feel weak, nausea, tired, vomit. He told me I can have 5 grams of fat per meal for a total of 15 grams of fat per day. So my bf has been doing that since Friday and today is now Sunday. I hope you are able to heal and feel better soon. Lard is made from pork or beef, both are bad. Hi healthy guy, I would like to get your thoughts on my situation. I thought about going gluten free to see if it would help, but the pain is so high up and in my back, so I figured there was no way it could related to that. I add one scoop of no fat protein powder in the shake, mix it all up in my Nutri Bullet but any good blender works fine. I would rather be shot (which I have been) and can honestly say that. Of course you can do what you want but so far this regimen or whatever you want to call it has bought me some really good years I may not have had otherwise. They are not suppose to activate until they are in the digestive tract. The total fat is still 3 grams for half a crust. You warned me about the fat in almond milk, which I had failed to notice so I switched to fat free skim milk. Anyway I tried to just drink water for two days but that did not really reduce the pain. A full serving may have a bit too much protein (34 g) for some, but I actually prefer it with a half serving. And of course going vegan and virtually fat free. In your experience, does this sound like pancreatitis to you. I do still have a very minor ache in my right side but will be going to the dock next week to check my levels. How much grape seed extract and vitamin C are you consuming daily. You can actually live on egg whites, brown rice and veggies. All my symptoms seem to point to chronic pancreatitis, but I know it is more rare for this to happen without having had an acute attack. Hi, I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis due to high calcium levels in my blood and pancreas creates more enzymes to process the calcium. Food, solid or liquid, just adds aggravation to an already aggravated pancreas. I really appreciate your insight, and I think I know what your answer is going to be in regards to the diet. A few are synthetic, which suck compared to the real thing. Grapefruit juice is very acidic and so the burning may be the acid content. I added in juices because I was feeling weak but the pain persisted so I stopped the juices again. If there is no nausea, or diarrhea could abdominal pain after eating fat still be pancreatitis. Also switched to grapefruit juice in the mornings. Dear sir, I had an acute and recurrent pancreatic attack during the year 2011 and undergone 2 surgeries, one for removal of gall bladder (due to smudge in gb) and external drain of pseudo cyst and another surgery after 3 months to internal drain of pancreatic pseudo cyst. I have been to numerous specialists with no results. This blog is in existence ONLY because God asked me to do it, to share what He taught me. The biggest and most challenging change for me was giving up smoking. I awoke with some rather irritating upper right abdomen stomach pain and although it was tolerable, something told me it was not good. If you can go 3 years without alcohol you can do it the rest of your life. He cannot take grape supplements because he is on Omeprazole. Be a part of the WebMD Answers family and share your knowledge and experiences with others. You could probably find it at your local health food store but it will be more expensive. I have obviously lost weight and have low energy. I would feel numbness on the left side of my face, pain on the crown of my head and frontal headaches with nerve impingements in both my arms (c6 and c7). If i hadnt seen you i dont know what would have happened, but i can tell you EVERYTHING you say here matches up. If you have a juicer you could make your own organic veggie juice. That is where soybeans completely differ from other legumes (beans, peas, lentils). Acute pancreatitis happens because pancreatic enzymes activate while still inside the pancreas. Is it likley that thisis the source of my discomfort. Grape seed extract is almost a miracle worker when it comes to pancreatitis and yes cancer as well because it actually kills cancer cells. My heart would race and pound, I would get hand tremors and leg tremors and feel total weakness all over my body. 5 grams of fat in 5 cookies so I ate less than that. Thanks to you I have been following your advice on not eating anything but only drinking water. This is a chemical in the brain that helps promote wakefulness. I asked God to please show me a way to healing this unfortunate disease I have acquired and I believe that your information here was the answer to my prayers. I eat tuna fish packed in water with low fat miracle whip sandwiches, chop up celery and onion and put pickle relish in if you like that. Grape seed extract, vit C and curcumin are extremely beneficial in the healing of inflamed pancreas tissue. I have had pancreatitis for years without to much of a problem. It says summer superbug but the link takes you to the melatonin video. What I glean from that abstract is that it is very difficult to stop the effects of a PPI like Omeprazole however, I am neither a doctor nor a professional research scientist genius like Linus Pauling who was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in the area of chemical bonds. It is the worst not knowing what is wrong. An inflamed pancreas needs to be bathed in healing, anti-inflammatory supplements all day. My gastro doctor did test after test and all came back normal. She was diagnosed correctly and fixed within a very short time, like 48 hours. Vitamin C and grape seed extract should be no problem. that night I did not sleep at all and started to vomit all my food the next day. Then add another dose, then another and so on until your pain and other symptoms resolve. That is unfortunate. I appreciate your feedback, and I understand these are merely suggestions. Lidia you are welcome. It can cause bleeding, kidney damage, heart attack and high blood pressure in high doses and or long-term use. Those three pancreatitis supplements in combination are extremely powerful. After a month went by I started to have swallowing problems and a simple chicken soup would start burning my tongue or a saltine cracker. Be advised that some folks experience some unwanted side effects when starting with high doses of grape seed, curcumin and C. Hopefully, if you do everything right, the inflammation will either ruduce drastically or be eliminated, in which case, your pain and other symptoms should be eliminated as well. Let me know what your doc says and ultrasound shows. Please advise if she can stop taking creon 40000 capsules and start consuming the above said supplements by you sir as the the creon capsules are too expensive. I am generally a health nut but have indulged in consuming beer 8-10 nightly over quite a long period of time. It was the pancreatitis supplements and MY Pancreatitis Diet in combination that worked to heal my pancreas. I had upper right abdomen pain right after Thanksgiving and went to urgent care. Sunday evening we had a roast lamb dinner and by Monday afternoon he was very sick ( although he would not let me call an ambulance) I found your blog and He has been on a diet of fruit and vegetables for 4 days now. I went to Universal Studios Theme Park with my family last week and I found it nearly impossible to find something to eat there. I think astaxantin is possibly good for the eyes and might even be beneficial for the pancreas. I wish there was a way for me to get IV hooked up at home:) that would be awesome. Not eating when your pancreas is inflammed is beneficial. I have nerve pain in my mid thoracic, lower thoracic disk degeneration, and lumbar with 2 nerve impingements affecting my legs. Note: It is also important to go slow with the digestive enzymes. So yes, a little fat in the diet is necessary but 5 grams of fat per meal is enough to help fat soluble vitamins and minerals become absorbed. My goal is always to eliminate the inflammation. This formula also uses a much higher grade of B12 and B12 is important for making blood and except for one source of sea vegetation can only be gotten from animal products. You may have skated severe damage because of the class of drug you are taking. I miss treats like that and I just ate 3 of them, there are 3. It seems worth it (or at least low risk) to keep in the CP treatment routine, especially for those that need a little extra boost to sleep. Try to consume as much safe protein as you can tolerate. It does have some olive oil and sunflower oil which may not be the best thing but in the amounts (very small) neither may be a big deal. Paul, jumping down from the thread I started in July 2014. Might be loose one day, but constipated the next. If you try it let me know how it works out. Some contain oil and or flax seed which has fat. Grape seed extract is a very strong anti-inflammatory but it is also one of the most powerful antioxidants on earth and one of the few that will cross the blood-brain barrier. Do you happen to know if vinegars (like a good balsamic) contain alcohol in amounts that would harm us. Of course what you eat is also important. Hi Health Guy, any thoughts about Zyflamend Whole Body as a potentially valuable anti-inflammatory cocktail for pancreatitis. I have taken your supplements for quite some time now, but not sure if I am taking as much as I should, or spread out correctly. I have already started following your diet plan as you suggested and am sticking to beans and rice for now which I can eat every day no problem. There are various formulations and doses that can be changed to meet your needs. When you first start out you may experience some unpleasant effects due to the fact that those powerful pancreatitis supplements are purging your body of toxic waste so it may be prudent to start off with the minimum dose of once per day. At first I thought I had good poisoning but it did not go away. If it was chicken gravy made with chicken fat (drippings) that was most likely the culprit. I use blueberries and strawberries or peaches and mangoes, plus pineapple. I found that a high dose of 800 mg of ibuprofen stops an acute attack in about 60 minutes, especially if combined with grape seed, curcumin and c. If you would rather respond directly instead of posting here that would be fine by me. However grape seed extract is the boss when it comes to pancreatitis. I should have linked you to a site or info on SOD. Yes I took 800 mgs all at once two days in a row. So consider yourself quite lucky at this point. You do have symptoms of gluten intolerence and may want to go completely gluten free (after re-testing) to see if your symptoms resolve. I also use Jarrows Curcumin, Now Foods Super Enzymes and several other products. Plant based fat (polyunsaturated) seems to work out fine so eat lots of veggies and legumes with bulk (cabbage, brussels sprouts, carrots, yams, beans). I will be getting my thyroid checked next month to find out the main reason behind this. Sometimes it does feel worse before it gets better. I went back to natural enzymes (two before meals) and feel better already. I threw up on the way home and immediately after that my stomach began to hurt. There are those who will insist that you need to buy expensive curcumin in combo with Piperine but it seems to me that plain old black pepper works the same. That should be the most important goal in your life right now. Good luck. start out slow and add more until you get the desired results. You have no idea how happy I am to have found your blog. Multi vitmamin-mineral formulations are perfectly safe to take with the 3 supplements. They discharged him an hour later after he threw up, gave him some meds, the doc never came back in and then discharged him. You may have the gene variant that causes alcohol pancreatitis. If your pancreas has sustained a large amount of damage it may not produce enough enzymes to digest your food and of course this makes an enzyme supplement mandatory. I am trying to manage this, but getting NO help from doctors. If you normally get indegestion or worse after eating one may do it or you may need two but start out slow because they are caustic. Other than that I have no idea what may drain your cyst naturally. Even after I underwent lap surgery to drain the pancreatic pseudo cyst internally, the cyst again started collecting after 2 months of the 2nd surgery and now the size of the cyst remains almost the same. Roast lamb with mint jelly is delicious but is extremely high in fat. Ok Donna fresh fruit is acidic and contains a fair amount of gallic acid. As I was walking, I felt a bone move out of place in T1 then a glove-like effect in both my wrists and then pain in c6-c7 where MRI reveals a very shallow disk bulge and pain up the left side of my neck which closed both my ear drums and I get a shhh noise in both my ears and then I felt my brain shake with distorted vision and blurriness with pin-like needle pains throughout my head. I have lost 11 pounds with the vegan gluten free diet and got really weak so the doctor said make sure I eat 6 small meals per day and take a Creon enzyme before each small meal. Grape seed extract coupled with vit C is the bomb boss, undisputed ruler of of supplements for healing inflamed pancreas tissue. The doctor is sending me to an Endocrinologist as he thinks my triglycerides is what is causing the CA19. 5 grams per meal may be to much for your husband at this point. I take my last dose of grape seed, curcumin, vit C and the all One vitamin-mineral-antioxidant drink at night before bed. PS are we allowed to know your first name or should I just call you Health Guy. You may want to make sure there is something in your stomach (food) when you drink grapefruit juice. I did purchase the grape seed extract and curcumin after my initial post. I really appreciate your time and effort to help people like me in your blogs. Beef, pork, lamb, goat, sheep, duck, goose, mayo, egg yolk, butter, margarine, cooking oils, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, peanut butter and more are all high fat foods that need to be avoided. You do know you can make rhubarb sauce right. I had made an appt with said doctor (he was a Gastro spec) when I was really sick with pancreatitis years ago. No periods for 2 mnths pregnancy kit -ve. ALL of these pancreatitis supplements are important for various reasons the order in which the pancreatitis supplements are given means nothing in regards to importance. One more thing, how much in advance of eating a meal can I take the enzymes. I never use oil to cook, or for anything I make. In the latest news vitamin C has shown significant benefit to pancreatic cancer patients which makes it even more important in regards to prevention of pancreatic cancer in those who have chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatitis Food Diary: Creating Your Pancreatitis Food Diary. God is good, and you are a blessing to all of us that are seeking answers. Just to let you know, I have no love for doctors and have always attempted to address my physical ailments with natural supplements first and have been able to do so quite successfully in the past. Do you really think this could still keep me from being pain free. If you want to buy them at your own health store feel free to print this pancreatitis supplements page so you have the info. At least you were able to get diagnosed quickly that in itself is amazing to me. Of course the supplemented enzymes are already activated but will not enter your pancreas yet they should NEVER be taken without a meal. Vitamin C can do so many things and it has done wonders for me, in combination with grape seed extract and curcumin. I started to move my bowels after every meal and was fighting to maintain my weight. Most of the time that thought slips my mind but even now there are times it surfaces because I am NOT cured. One stop shopping with free shipping available on qualified orders within the U. I know of one guy, with a cyst, who has done that and his cyst started shrinking. I am in pain everyday, so I thought finally this would be it. Since your gluten sensitivity test was borderline you might consider having the blood test done again (testing IgG and IgA). Research re: chlorophyll treatments for chronic pancreatitis. That is a hard number to hit especially if people use prepackaged foods. 35 year old study, but the results seem to promising for it to just go away. I have had it checked several times since then as well, and all had been fine. First time I went to the doctor for this problem was for the mild pain and they did check my amylase and lipase. You can use the tool on this site to check food fat grams, protein, nutrient density etc. I was admitted to the hospital and my lipase level was 1098. Giving up alcohol so far has been really easy. Sometimes it flares up, sometimes I feel no pain at all. I have been in the emergency room, doctors here and there, gone to Houston and had over 30 thousand dollars of test done and all they could tell me was that I was the healthiest sick person they know and the Gastro Dr. Sorry. Grapefruit juice actually protects the pancreas so I doubt your pancreas is burning due to grapefruit juice but your stomach and or esophagus may not be to pleased with the acidity. I want to thank you as I cry, You are saving so many lives and I am about to help. IF you can afford only ONE of the pancreatitis supplements this is the one I would personally choose because it also contains vitamin C (I use it myself daily). My blood was tested and my Lipase was 547. They put me on an iv and had nothing by mouth for four days and my levels dropped progressively down to 280 before the released me after the fifth day. It does sound like you are on the right track. One other thing: like I have said it may be more beneficial to get your first bottles of pancreatitis supplements from your local health store. My concern is that I have been off food for 9 days with 5 of the just water and 4 with not a huge amount of juice. This lasted about three months and then the pain returned. Everything we know is from trawling the internet and thank god we found you. Argue away, I have little time for the doctors, they sent him out of hospital with no information about the condition. NOTE: IF you have gallstones or SOD you should probably avoid curcumin because it increases bile flow. IF I could only afford ONE of the pancreatitis supplemets I would choose. Diet should be fruits (No coconut or avocado both contain huge amounts of fat), vegetables, grains, legumes (vegan) for about 6 months. I have pain in my upper abdomen, that seems to be exacerbated after eating. If not low sodium V8 veggie juice works to get large amounts of potassium, some vitamin A and a little c I think. It is important to get that inflammation under control. Mostly in between my shoulder blades where my bra strap would sit, or just above it. We are now back on a juice diet with me jucing everything. NO FAT, NO ALCOHOL. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your info with everyone. I get numbness in my fingertips and when I stretch my hand, it feels like leather and almost no elasticity. If you may have gallstones it is wise to scratch the curcumin and add more grape seed extract. What is the hard cold proven benefit of doing this or that, taking this or that etc. Even if you select this option there are some features of our site that still require you to log in for privacy reasons. I just desperately need an answer, or help determining what test I should try and have done next. Hi Jayne, I am hoping you are still doing better and keeping up with this blog. One is the sciatic nerve in left leg and the heal of my foot hurts and right leg is affected by a nerve. Ok so EVERYTHING, you have said is a script for what has occurred. I hope you find out what is wrong and it proves to be something easily rectified. The appendix is normal but they see a circumaortic renal vein. But I also knew the buffoon from a previous personal experience. If you try melatonin let me know how it works out. This particular formula also contains bioflavonoids and rose hips. I kept going for several weeks, and eventually got. I have to approve them before they are posted but I answered a couple posts from a Neal on the 3rd. Am I doing something completely wrong with my diet. The enzymes I use contain pancreatin 4X which is Amylase, Lipase and Protease. I was 26 when this all started in November 2014. But then again it could of been the banana which had brown spots on the skin. It is truly amazing everything you have been through, and managed to overcome. You may wish to use different brands of pancreatitis supplements. Cut out all refined sugar and walk about 45 mins. I am feeling almost normal again for the first time in months. I strongly suggest you find someone who will give you a second opinion. Many people want insurance but feel that deductibles and co-pays make it too costly to actually go to the doctor. Was discharged from the hospital 3 months ago. Neal I found a bunch of posts from a Neal on the post I wrote about grape seed extract. I will give it a try to your stuff,I have been having some pain on my side hope it will help me thanks for the info. When you come to WebMD Answers with questions, you also bring answers. So I have not yet found a suitable baking flower I can use to make goodies. Vegetable juice, grapefruit juice, grape seed extract, curcumin, and vitamin C. My third CA19. This means that a cookie will stay on your computer even when you exit or close your browser which may reduce your levels of privacy and security. The amount of enzymes produced or taken has nothing to do with actual activation. It was bound to happen. Upper abdominal and slightly to the left, and also to my upper back off and on. In fact autoimmune pancreatitis usually presents as CP (CP symptoms) first. S. Quick links to the most popular questions and answers. This just kind of interested me so I did some digging. I guess it is things like this that make it difficult and confusing for me. You may want to consider getting your own juicer and making your own fresh, organic veggie juice for him. I still had pain but it slowly got better. The sooner the inflammation is resolved the better. I used to drink quite a bit in college, and then just socially after that. Now before you answer did they simply do regular blood work or did they actually check your pancreatic enzymes. The enzymes only with meals starting with one capsule to see if that is enough. IF NOT then look for another diagnostic test such as EUS or MRI for a possible diagnosis of another digestive disorder. TWO non-toxic, highly anti-inflammatory pancreas supplements in ONE product. True scoop. No soups, no broths unless totally VEGAN.

A decent source of protein with zero fat is an egg white. Most contain a combination of estrogen and a progestin. I could understand it, and maybe be more able to follow the diet to perfection if there was an answer. The pain is definitely in my back as well. I get ultrasound tomorrow. I personally use Now Foods Grape Seed Extract 100 mgs 200 caps because that particular formula works and it contains vitamin C as well so you get a bigger bang for your buck. Now I am taking creon 25000 iu thrice a day with food. It took me awhile to learn all the ins and outs. Hi again and I really love you, you give us hope and humor. Posted in Beating Pancreatitis, Pancreatitis Supplements Tagged curcumin, digestive enzymes, grape seed extract, now foods, pancreas healing, pancreatic enzymes, pancreatitis supplements. Study pointing rhubarb as a possible aid in pancreatitis. First time I went to the doctor for this problem was for the mild pain and they did check my amylase and lipase. It takes a lot of grape seed, curcumin and C, especially when you are sick. One strange thing that did happen, I had exhausted all routes of figuring this out, so it was suggested to go to a chiropractor as a last resort. I find I save a lot of money using Amazon. Those are the pancreatitis supplements and exact formulas I use every day. Like anyone else with CP I could have a problem by making a mistake. Then stay at a fairly strong dose until your abdomen is no longer tender and all your symptoms have resolved. I was told not to have raw vegetables because c diff causing an inflamed intestinal tract and I know raw veggies have all the vitamins and nutrients. I have mentioned several times that meals should contain 5 grams of fat or less. Did your doc redo your blood work to find out if your calcium was high more than once. IF you happen to have SOD the fasting and grape seed will help resolve the inflammation in the sphincter of oddi as well and a low fat diet is beneficial for SOD just as it is for the pancreas. The pain is also on the left where my bra wire would sit. Any of the OTC medications that people take for headache and fever will help for someone that has hypertension, just be sure and read the label. EGG WHITES (no yolks), beans, peas, lentils could be tried as a source of protein. Since there is a collection of cyst, the condition of the pancreas is very difficult to determine in a Ultra sound scan. I was so happy, and chalked it all up to my back being out of alignment, or a pinched nerve or something. You could have early autoimmune pancreatitis or something else. Hey John this is quite interesting and the fact that you are taking clonazepam, a benzodiazepine drug, may have helped reduce the severity of your acute pancreatitis attack. In regards to pancreatitis all I can say is. I believe, depending upon what country you live in, that you or your mother can fire the doctor (ask someone if this is true before you get to it). 5 grams fat) one cold banana, then any other frozen fruit from the supermarket you like. What do you think about the curcumin with no gallbladder. Just to note, I had a cat scan of my entire abdominal region and an ultra sound and nothing was remarkable. I have lived w2ith this for over 6 years now lost relationships friends and countless opportunities. I came across a recipe, and thought about you. I use those listed because they are gluten free and it is difficult to find quality, gluten free supplements. Make sure those ginger snaps do NOT contain lard. Might even throw in 200 mg of ibuprofen 2x per day until the inflammation was gone (short term-use). Curcumin is also non-toxic but can cause stomach issues in higher doses so it may not set well with an infant. Please visit the new WebMD Message Boards to find answers and get support. After one day it went away and must have connected itself somewhere. It hides in many things (cold remedies, mouthwash, vanilla extract in baked goods and other places too) so you have to be vigilant. I had major surgery on my abdomen when I was younger for severe acid reflux. I have no clue about the supplements being passed to your son via your wife. Yep Jayne it sounds like you have it wired now. Consistent high calcium levels almost always indicate an underlying problem that needs to be found. Thanks for the kind words, and hope my cyst drains naturally. THAT is why some real knowledgable celiac specialists now think that the blood test is actually more celiac predictive than the biopsy, yet is is NOT 100% accutate either. That is what I need at this point casue I am running out of ideas on what to do. By the way thank you for the kind words in your previous comment. That would lead me to believe that it is early, and the damage is minuscule. If you have been eating soy and have been symptom free for 3 months then keep doing it cuz it seems to be working. If it is really bothersome you may want to forgo the grapefruit juice and add more grape seed extract to compensate. Recently had a CT scan and they say they see by the pancreas a subcentimeter right renal AML. Regarding the MRI it would likely depend on where exactly they were looking. They discover 2 symtoms out of the 9 criteria. I did have blood taken after I had done the ibuprofen and my Lipase was 16. Some folks also see good results adding 200 mgs of ibuprofen which of course adds an anti-inflammatory medication into the mix. IF you decide to use other brands of the pancreatitis supplements, that is perfectly cool. I was put on flagyl which gave me another pancreatic attack and felt really sick taking it. Try one at a time at each meal to see if that is enough. I would venture to guess this is what caused the inflammation and condition. I just wish I could help others more but that help is also up to God and His plan for those who read this blog. I doubt it would replace grape seed, curcumin and C in large doses and Zyflamend Whole Body in large doses may even be toxic. The secret is to eliminate the inflammation because once the inflammation is eliminated the symptoms (pain, nausea, vomiting etc) also resolve. Curcumin is a powerful pain reliever and one of the best pancreatitis supplements. I went back to him for a 3 month check and it was 269. Doctor opinion is that I have high triglycerrides that run around 250 and that is causing it. The doc put me in for a consult with a GI specialist but it will take 5-10days to call to even set up the appointment. You can certainly try clear liquids and juice. You are very welcome and thank you for all your kind words. not quite 2 years old. You are indeed a God send to me and anyone else with pancreatitis that will follow your well laid plan. The only thing I can suggest is to keep bugging your doctor to look for and find a concrete diagnosis. The naturopathic doctor I recently went to that tested me for celiac actually believed me and agreed that my symptoms sound like pancreatitis, and so she was the one who ordered the MRI. There are many conditions that have similar symptoms. Any input in my situation will be appreciated. I found your site and used the ibuprofen and it has reduced the pain considerably. I did 300mg of grape seed, 500mg of turmeric and 2000mg of vitamin C so far. How to beat panctreatitis and promote pancreas healing. The last thing you want are more attacks especially an SAP (severe acute pancreatitis). Continuing to eat simply causes your pancreas to become more inflamed so fasting and grape seed extract works wonders. My mother has been suffering from chronic pancreatitis for almost ten years now. Minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium seem to absorb better with a bit of fat as well. One egg white contains about 4 grams of protein and zero fat, zero cholesterol. My gastro put me on Creon and I started not feeling well again with burning in my pancreas and intestinal tract and frequent bowel movements almost after every meal. Just recently I had an MRI done on my spine to see for sure if there was any damage. Let me know if I can answer any questions. One thing I have noticed since starting the diet is that I feel like I am hungry all the time lol. Just wanted to thank you again and will keep you up to snuff and yes I did 6 years in the USMC. The good news is with one mild attack and no signs of damage you may never need them. I can only suggest you ask the same question of her physcian. I was put on adult enzymes and after the 2nd pill of the enzyme felt like I needed to go to the hospital so I stopped them and called the doctor. I bet you can add egg white to hold it together, bake the sauce and end up with something like pie with no crust lol. Important: The opinions expressed in WebMD User-generated content areas like communities, reviews, ratings, blogs, or WebMD Answers are solely those of the User, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. Semper Fi and no thanks necessary, best time of my life. The same holds true with many cases of alcoholic pancreatitis. egg whites are a good protein source and have ZERO fat. Diet is tough to change (with kids) but making small changes. I found your blog by accident and I have to say it makes so much sense. The combination of grape seed extract vit C and curcumin is one powerful anti-inflammatory combination that really douses the pain and nausea and resolves the inflammation as long as you stop drinking alcohol and eating high fat foods. My wife keeps begging me to go to hospital but I know exactly what they do there. E PubMed. I usually only use Ibuprofen when I have acute pancreatitis but some folks use it more often. No, I do not intend to ever drink again after that experience. I know that grape seed extract, C and curcumin coupled with my diet have made it so I simply do NOT get acute attacks. Vegetable juice may be a concern depending upon your damage but I can drink all juice without enzymes. I try my best to stick to the 15g per day. NO dairy. The curcumin I was using at that time came in much smaller amounts so it comprised about 400 mgs total per day for curcumin at that time. After my visit to er on May I stopped drinking JD and try to eat as clean as possible. Your first objective should be to resolve the inflammation. Besides the pain, I have no other pancreatitis symtoms. I did not in any way understand the need to totally control my diet long term. Want to know what people are talking about right now. I am taking 3-4 curcumin per day and 3-4 100 mg grape seed extract per day. IF your symptoms resolve via a gluten free diet that may speak volumes. Then juice for a few days and work back up to vegetables and fruit. Hi Balaji Sah sorry to hear of your difficulty. Brian you have to drink some water to keep hydrated. THANK YOU for taking the time to share that with me cuz YES. Ibuprofen plus grape seed, curcumin and C is better. I have been suffering for at least 6 years with abdominal pains. Make sure you do not buy grape seed, curcumin or vitamin C that is coupled with mineral or vitamins. You should be on grape seed extract, C and curcumin. My mom was readmitted to the hospital on the 12th, she is still there. Lipase is now 70 and Amylase is 50, I realize these are both towards the top end so I will be taking the suggested supplements and following your diet suggestions for quite some time and of course NO ALCOHOL. I feel the best in the mornings, (not much pain) which I suppose I can attribute to not eating all night. I followed up with my primary the next week and my levels were back to normal so he said it looked like I had a mild case of pancreatitis. once you get your supplemets the dosages depend on what works for you. Skinless chicken cooked without oil (broiled or boiled is best) and up out of the natural chicken fat will also provide a bit of saturated fat. Fruit juices, vegetable juices (low sodium V8 is good and full of potassium). Advil is making it easier but not cutting it yet. Also I make delicious protein shakes with almond milk (1 cup has 2. IF you have undiagnosed RA, Lupus, psoriatic arthritis. The test I had done for gluten sensitivity was a stool test. I had achilles tendinitis when I was younger and I would feel the pain whenever I. I am sorry to hear your mother suffers from chronic pancreatitis. It is best to forget about everything except healing your pancreas. In the mean time I have been feeling horrible and burping all the time. Most contain milk, milk solids and some contain oil (lecithin). Well I ate the whole chicken breast (it was grilled), but in about an hour, I was in misery. OK Thanks now i just need to find the stuff you do use. The features were minimal stranding and small isolated spots of inflammation. IF I could only afford one supplement it would be Now Foods Grape Seed Extract because it contains grape seed and vitamin C in one capsule. Couple days ago I got my blood work results. It gives you another protein, vitamin D, potassium and calcium source. In other words you want quality, stand-alone grape seed extract and stand-alone curcumin. This would have to be a case where it is starting as chronic. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils) and egg whites are full of protein and boast ZERO fat. I have pernicious anemia and 2 years ago had salmonella which I was hospitalized for and was able to come out alive from it. Health guy, any advice you have on what I should do next would be much appreciated as well. Hi, My wife was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis due to high Cholestrol in blood, her pancreas was almost dead and was not producing enzymes at all, due to which she had lost weight and was looking very dull and pale. Hi, I went to get my supplements but got grapefruit seed extract rather than grape seed, guess I will have to make another run to the health store. Cuz He led me to everything I have shared on this blog and my other blogs and Facebook Page. I still have not found a great doctor to try and figure this out with me, unfortunately. I just was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis too, and I stumbled on your blog while doing some online research. He has been able to drink a little bit of Gatorade here and there. Then go GF for a couple months to see if symptoms resolve. I had my gallbladder taken out because it was diseased with stones and then 5 years later had a stone envelope my whole kidney. Since chronic pancreatitis is a known risk factor for pancreatic cancer my consumption of vitamin C seems to be even more potentially beneficial. He has been on vacation for the last two weeks and no one will help me. Get health information delivered straight to your inbox. Thanks for the quick reply and your input, it is indeed greatly appreciated and you are a blessing. The only one that is tolerable to an inflamed, damaged pancreas is plant based fat or polyunsaturated fat (no oil even from this fat). To many enzymes can be just as bad, maybe worse than not enough. I am ordering the grape seed, Curcumin, Vitiman C, Bioperine, and Super Enzymes. If you have any questions feel free to ask. My doctor has advised me to forget about the developments and advised me to carry on till any pain or something happens. I doubt your pancreas is ready for chicken and eggs. However, if your employer tells you it is eliminating insurance because of the law, I would be wary of the. Learn more about these popular experts selected by the WebMD Editorial Staff. Then dinner comes around and sometimes I will buy a thin frozen pizza crust from our local health foods store that may have a trivial amount olive oil in it. Oh I forgot to ask what was your blood work like. In Sept 13, 2014, my daughter had a sprinkle and I drank 2 pinio grigios and then went to a bar and my daughter kept ordering and had another 3 glasses of it. It is extremely rare for someone to present with acute pancreatitis without enzyme elevation after four to five hours of onset. Knowing what the problem is would go a long way in finding a solution. Thank you so much I just wish I could find the other ladies I was in hospital with and tell them what you told us because they were as worried and confused as me. Thought it would be a waste of time, but running out of things to check it seems like. They are a little hard to flip, but taste and texture is great. It seems very extreme, and I would think it should drastically change the pain. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender, blend until smooth, and then let sit for a couple of minutes. I have a 14 inch scar across the middle of my abdomen. Extra vitamins, minerals and antioxidants may be very helpful in providing more energy and all-around better health. If not go to two enzyme caps per meal and so on. My concern is that I have been off food for 9 days with 5 of the just water and 4 with not a huge amount of juice. Thank you so much for listening, and all your help. I will continue will the grapeseed 200 4x a day and Vitamin C1000 mg 4 x a day. I take lots of supplements spread out in the amounts you recommend, but I am trying to avoid taking any ibuprofen unless I really need it. I also drank large amounts of grapefruit juice, probably a gallon per day, starting in 1982 which was years before I found the pancreatitis supplements. The overall structure was good, the ducts were fine. A small half cup of cooked soybeans boasts 14 grams of protein, about double the protein found in kidney or black beans. There are a couple vegan, plant based protein shakes available. Sometimes another dose (one cap each) of grape seed, curcumin and vit C mid-day. IF you are one of the folks who experience problems because of cleansing stop taking them til the cleansing symptoms disappear and then start again at 100 mgs of grape seed, 500 curcumin and 500 vit C and then in a week double up and then in another week add more until you are back to the orginal doses without cleansing effects. Try to stay away from processed, prepackaged and fast foods, too much FAT. After many trips to the hospital I had an EUS done. Then he can start adding in some other protein sources like white meat fish, skinless chicken. I have no gall bladder had a gastric bypass 10 yrs ago eat healthy mostly. That may or may not be you but they are all answered. Mix in some rice (brown rice so you get b vitamins) and you have a meal you can actually eat and not starve. And you may consider listening to your wife and go to the ER. I have a couple post on this blog about diet. Thanks you so much for the valuable advice. Step one, get retested for celiac with the blood test. You can get most of the fat you NEED from a plant based diet. Thankyou so much for your brilliant info on all counts. I do not know of any reason why the other supplements would be a problem. Hopefully it was a lab mistake or you were dehydrated and your levels will be normal at next check. It sounds like your naturopathic doc is able to order blood work. Do you bring your own salad dressings with you. It sounds like your doctor is on the ball and checking the right stuff out. You can find all of the pancreatitis supplements I use daily, here on this page. Could never find anything of real value pointing to a viable possibility, I. I ate lightly for a few days but as Christmas rolled around I ate some crap and lo and behold I had terrible pain again. Then only MODIFIED VEGAN meals, cooking without oils or fats (vegans eat nuts, seeds, use oil and fats in cooking). You understand so much about this disease, and I would appreciate any input you can give. Grief this is so mind boggling on what foods affect him. I do NOT think taking ibuprofen long term is a good idea. All of your other suggestions sound really good too. I am taking the grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C that you recommend. Note: I make a commission when you purchase through Amazon using my links. The grape seed will not be as effective if you mother is not on an appropriate diet for her chronic pancreatitis. One day I ate a salad with a grilled chicken breast (no dressing on the salad). You want those THREE supplements to be as pure as possible so that they are non-toxic in large doses. He sent me to a specialist who did a ERCP and found nothing. Resolving the inflammation is a much more important. LOTS of grape seed extract and C. Pls advice me and post it to my email please. Ok so let me address one question that is important. 9 to be high. I completely think it was not eating and grape seed. Yep high blood levels of calcium can most definitely cause acute pancreatitis. Really, I am so happy I ran into your site. Thankyou. I have never done a lot of research on what actually causes the high calcium levels but I do know that hyperparathyroidism, cancer and kidney disease are often responsible. Do you ever eat low fat cookies, like ginger snaps. Whether you are truly celiac or not would NOT be established by going GF but a resolution of symptoms would probably be welcomed. All that time you had your pancreatitus symptoms under control, but were then still dealing with celiac symptoms also. No one will tell us if we should be scared, go in hospital or what to do. He has been poorly for over a year now with 3 stay in hospital and on the last stay collapsed at home with sever dehydration because he could not keep even water down. Good info but a week is a long time to endure severe pain when 800 mgs of Ibuprofen usually eliminates it in 60 minutes. I have obviously lost weight and have low energy. Sorry, where doctors and orthodox medicine is concerned I am very cynical. Like at the most it is small things like the olive oil I mentioned in the pizza crust. All 3 are powerful antioxidants and if your body is toxic the cleansing can be miserable. I do NOT recommend long-term use because it can cause high blood pressure and heart attack. Friday when we got home from the er he tried to eat some green grapes and drink Gatorade because he was starving and wanted to try and eat and then he threw up about 30 mins later. Regarding the colonoscopy it could be useful and it could be a waste of time. It is best to get rid of the inflammation first before eating or drinking food. So I will increase the grape seed extract to 200 mg 4 times a day and keep up the 4 curcumin. The enzymes I take (usually two) only when I eat. No other symptoms really that would point to acid reflux. Yes start on the supplements he recommends immediately. watch out for sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, used as a sweetener. The BEST way to take the 3 pancreas supplements grape seed, curcumin and C is to do it at least 3 times a day, preferably 4 times per day. We quit eating out, have done the modified vegan diet, and I take all the supplements. Today I had to get off the Creon, it was making me weak. Do you use anything in your fruit smoothies for creaminess. I say this ONLY because of the comments from some people who have had serious damage and yet respond to the diet, supplements and Ibuprofen. I can still tolerate beef and pork, but have them in very limited quantities. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated and thanks again for your efforts to help those of us fighting this condition, you are truly a blessing. Since my stay in the hospital, I have stopped drinking any alcohol, switched to a low fat diet, and quit smoking as well. That way you can have them immediately and begin using them instead of waiting 10 days for delivery. I believe there is one called PlantFusion that looks to be a decent product. I noticed the company site said not to exceed a dosage of two caps per day. Anyway curcumin and vitamin C are very important also (I use them too) but my personal favorite is grape seed. I am taking grape seed extract, same brand as you, and the Super Antioxidants by same brand. When I was sick I consumed much more daily than I do now. Maybe no-fat yogurt if they make it. The important thing is that all these private insurance plans typically have some sort of deductible and some sort of co-pay. What I eat does seem to make a difference. I will be getting my thyroid checked next month which my doctor suspects that is my problem. You might also find in a local health store. I was a moderate drinker before (beers with the guys after work). com articles or other articles written by scholars with authority in regards to digestive healing properties. I ordered the products off your links, you deserve something for your efforts. Organic plant based fat is much better on an inflamed pancreas and it takes a lot of veggies to hit 5 grams of fat. I am wondering if I should take an enzyme pill before drinking the grapefruit juice. If that is elevated a CT and MRI may be beneficial. How much of the supplements do you take daily. I take the pancreatitis supplements in this manner. Pls advice me on how to heal the pancreas and how to drain the cyst on a natural way. Almost forgot, the only medications I take are synthroid for hypothyroid, clonazepam for anxiety and uloric for gout which I am weaning myself using cherry concentrate since I obviously will not be drinking anymore. 9 was 258. diet is important too. Grape seed, curcumin (as long as SOD or gallstones have not been found) and vitamin c should become a daily routine. The last thing you need is another bout of severe acute pancreatitis. I ONLY used it in usually ONE-TIME large doses of 800 mgs to stop acute pancreatitis attacks. I also drink grapefruit juice but it seems to cause burning. Stay away from the farmed and new gmo frankenfish. By the way it sounds like you may have served in the military or as an LEO. So for people on a tight budget this is the ONE product they could squeeze by on and see significant results. Do you think it would be wise to have a colonoscopy done, even with the pain location. I have a good intelligent gastro doc and he has recommended a specialist in pancreatitis for me now. That way the pancreas is always getting blasted with healing, anti-inflammatory supplements. All the other sites deal with only one or two aspects in handling the condition.

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